

R.Nash (2018), “Parangolé | Methodology “, in – OC-OPEN CITY. INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL. “NEW NEXT NATURE” -, Guya Bertelli, Michele Roda (edited by), Maggioli Editore, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna (RN), January 2019, pp. 156-159 | ISBN 978-88-916-2865-7


R.Nash (2018), “Sincretismo e innesti, una pratica sostenibile del riciclo che si consolida attraverso la storia”, in – RE-CYCLE ITALY. PAESAGGI FRAGILI 36 -, PRIN National Research Program 2013-2016, Guya Bertelli (edited by), Aracne Editrice, pp. 379-393 | ISBN 978-88-548-9083-1


R. Nash (2017), “Landscape and Exhibition: a space in motion”, in – OC-OPEN CITY. INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL. “LANDSCAPE IN MOTION”- , Paola Bracchi (edited by), Maggioli Editore, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna (RN), August 2017, pp. 322-333 | ISBN 978-88-916-2414-7

B. Bajkovski, D. Giordanelli, D. Magri, (2017) “The incremental city”, in – OC-OPEN CITY. INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL. “LANDSCAPE IN MOTION” -, Guya Bertelli, Carlos Garcia Vasquez, Sara Protasoni, Victor Tenez Ybern, Paola Bracchi (edited by), Maggioli Editore, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna (RN), August 2017, pp. 202-216 | ISBN 978-88-916-2414-7




R. Nash, D. Magri (2016), “Designing the landscape: shifting in scale and blurring borders. From the Landscape in the city to the city landscape”, in – OC-OPEN CITY. INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL. FEEDING (THE) LANDSCAPE. A NEW DYNAMIC MUSEUM FOR AGRICULTURE”-, Guya Bertelli, Paola Bracchi, Pasquale Mei (edited by), Maggioli Editore, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna (RN), August 2016, pp. 67-81| ISBN 978-88-916-1821-4

R. Nash, D. Magri (2016), “FEED THE FISH. How are we dealing with earth?” , in –OC-OPEN CITY. INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL. FEEDING (THE) LANDSCAPE. A NEW DYNAMIC MUSEUM FOR AGRICULTURE”-, Guya Bertelli, Paola Bracchi, Pasquale Mei (edited by), Maggioli Editore, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna (RN), August 2016, pp. 230-235| ISBN 978-88-916-1821-4


R.Nash (2015) “Expo and mega-events a burden or propulsive engines for cities regeneration?”, in –OC OPEN CITY, INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL, “ARCHITECTURE FOR A CREATIVE CITY”-, G.Bertelli, M.Roda(edited by), Maggioli Editore, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna (RN), July 2015, pp. 123‐131 | ISBN 978‐88‐9160‐435‐4


R.Nash (2014) “Infrastructures and nature, a new approach to productive and dynamic landscapes”, in OC OPEN CITY, INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL, FROM LANDSCAPE TO EXTERIOR DESIGN. NATURE IN THE CITY, G.Bertelli, M.Roda, (edited by) Maggioli Editore, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna (RN), July 2014, pp. 92-103 | ISBN 978-88-9160-435-4

R.Nash (2014) “Infrastructuring nature, a productive landscape”, in -OC OPEN CITY, INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL, FROM LANDSCAPE TO EXTERIOR  DESIGN. “NATURE IN THE CITY”– G.Bertelli, M.Roda(edited by), Maggioli Editore, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna (RN), July 2014, pp. 370-377 | ISBN 978-88-9160-435-4

D. Magri (2014) “Nature as an ‘agent of urban regeneration’ In the contemporary city”in – OC-OPEN CITY. INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL. FROM LANDSCAPE TO EXTERIOR DESIGN. “NATURE IN THE CITY”- , Guya Bertelli, Carlos Garcia Vasquez, Paola Bracchi, (edited by), Maggioli Editore, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna (RN), July 2014, pp. 266-283 | ISBN 978-88-9160-435-4 


R.Nash (2013) “Collective intelligence and cities, more than an urban metaphor”, in N.U.L. New Urban Languages Re-imaging the City after the Knowledge-Based Turn, (edited by) Rossella Salerno, Daniele Villa, in PLANUM. THE JOURNAL OF URBANISM | ISSN 1723-0993

D. Magri (2013), “The retro-active effect of the ciberspace on physical space: the iperdense city”, In -NUL – New Urban Languages. Re-Imaging the City after the Knowledgebased Turn, Rossella Salerno e Daniele Villa (edited by) in PLANUM. THE JOURNAL OF URBANISM | ISSN 1723-0993

D. Magri (2013), “Danza e architettura. Le forme del movimento”, In – Stratagemmi– 27 | Pontremoli Editore, Milan, sept-nov 2013, pp. 67-100 | ISNN 2091-3200


R.Nash (2011) “La trasformazione della periferia italiana: un processo di rigenerazione del patrimonio costruito attraverso il ridisegno dello spazio aperto. Il caso studio del quartiere Giambellino a Milano”, in –RIVISTA TRIMESTRALE DIAP “TERRITORIO”- , n. 59, Franco Angeli, Milan, November 2011, pp. 105-108 | ISSN 1825-8689

Debora Magri (2011), “Trame e connessioni: la rigenerazione dello spazio aperto in contesti urbani marginali”, in -RIVISTA TRIMESTRALE DIAP “TERRITORIO”- , n. 59, Franco Angeli, Milan, November 2011, pp. 109-112 | ISSN 1825-8689

D. Magri (2011), “Hybridization in situ”, in -RIVISTA TRIMESTRALE DIAP  “TERRITORIO”- , n. 56, gennaio 2011, pp. 121-124 | ISSN 1825-8689